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About Us

OffenderRadar aims to promote public safety by informing and educating the public with detailed information about registered sex offenders in order to prevent any victimization further. With responsive customer service, OffenderRadar provides you complete information about the sex offenders in the National Sex Offender Registry where the convicted offenders are classified as per the risk of danger they pose and chances of reoffence that are likely to occur.

This website has been implemented by considering public safety as a matter of major concern and thus it allows the general public to access the information of Sex Offender Registration in the United States.

Who we serve

We aim to serve the general public who is inquisitive to get information about the registered sex offenders by maintaining this website that holds a record of the sex offenders classified as per their age, gender and the area they belong to. The website permits the members of the public to recognize the sex offenders working, living or attending any institution of higher learning. The public may also access information on the registered sex offenders at their local police department, or simply by visiting our website.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the accurate information about registered sex offenders and help in enactment of the highest quality law and safety services throughout the United States.

Our Vision

We look forward to be the significant contributors in the interest of public safety and law enforcement with a highly trained, mobile and flexible state police force who is highly trained and is responsive to the public safety requirements in the emerging needs throughout the United States.