OffenderRadar provides every bit of information about registered sex offenders in the United States of America. To get information about the sex offenders you may search the National sex offender registry state wise, country wise or even by the city, address, Zip Code or names of the offenders at
Sex Offender registry in United states is conducted at the local level. Law enforcement in each state, territory, locality or tribe the sex offenders reside at, attend school or work in general requires them to get registered.
Sexual offenders are a real threat to our society and hence safety becomes a major concern. For this reason, you may obviously wish to have a look at the country's sex offender registry.
As per our database, there are nearly 622,248 registered sex offenders within the United States of America. This map of sex offenders analyzes the major US states, showcasing the concentration of sex offenders per ten thousand people in each state. This, in turn, depicts the ratio of sex offenders to those of non-offenders.
As per this sex offender registry map, the state with the highest number of registered sex offenders on every 10,000 people is Alaska having around 48.9 sex offenders on every 10K population and the one with the lowest number is Minnesota with 2 sex offenders on every 10,000 people.
This pie chart is the illustration of the sex offender registry in the United States as by the gender depicting the prevalence of sexual assault and the gender of the prey on victims. We have simplified the data by categorizing the offender search data depending upon various demographics.
This pie chart gives a comprehensive overview of the genders of the sex offenders and shows that a larger percentage (97.6%) i.e. 607,008 sex offenders is inclusive of the males. On the other hand, the percentage of female sex offenders is quite low (2.4%) i.e. about 15,240 sex offenders.
The law created that requires registration with individual states for certain acts is called Megan's Law. Megan's Law was created in 1994 so it has now been an active law for 31 years. The current age of individuals that are required to register with a state registry can vary greatly.
The chart above presents the current age by age group of the individuals on every state registry in the United States. The age group with the largest number of currently registering offenders is the age group 46-55 years with over 167,889. Since the registry is only 31 years old the age demographic from 66-75 and older the results are probably skewed because individuals could have committed crimes in the past that at the time would not have required them to register with the state.
The chart above has been created to show the summarized age groups of the individuals on the state registries at the age they committed the offense that requires them to now register. It is a concerning chart in that it shows that a lot of younger individuals are committing sexual crimes. The largest age group is 26-35 years with over 152,000 followed closely by the 18-25 years with over 149,000.
We believe that it is the highest priority for communities, families, and friends to help educate the youth on what is not appropriate. Not only are there too many victims of sexual offenses year after year, but the lifelong negative effect for the person committing the crimes is high.
Offender Radar aims to contribute in the efforts that lead to the reformation in changing state laws that related to the Sex offender registry in the United States. The changes in the state laws may sometimes create huge impact on the registration requirement. In the United States of America, the process of Sex offender registration has been existing since decades now.
Some of the state law enforced for the sex offenders have a tough implication on their life. Even after completing the punishment these state laws prohibit them from working or leading a normal life due to their past criminal records. This makes their life miserable and that is why OffenderRadar is making continuous efforts to help the registered sex offenders survive and live a better life by connecting them to the employment experts in order to let them find the best fit jobs for themselves.
OffenderRadar holds the complete accountability for the data presented about the registered sex offenders here. However, in case our research team comes across any discrepancy in the data provided that seem to be misleading or misinforming, we are liable to contact the state registries for the correct data and information on sex offender registry.
In order to understand and make you fully aware of what may lead to a Sex Crime, OffenderRadar issues education materials that will assist you to recognize the inappropriate behavior that may be considered as warning signs or the identifiable acts of serious sexual misconduct. Further we also advise you to speak to your children and let them know about these signs and the ways to tackle such behavior in case they come across.
Sexual assault obviously is a crime that leaves a lifelong impact on the victims with little chances of recovery. OffenderRadar is however, making efforts to help the victims of the sexual offenses so that they overcome the traumatic condition and live a better life. For this we have already started building up a network of specialists who can considerably help the victims in their recovery process.